Casting for August 18 – and we now have Rocky Horror buttons!

1270 - Casting for August 18 - and we now have Rocky Horror buttons!

Check out our merchandise table – we now have Rocky Horror buttons!
If you don’t want a button, drop your change in the tip jar for the “Run For Her Life” charity 5K against domestic violence. We like our domestics in aprons, not being violent.
You can also donate on-line:

Trixie . . . . we’re not telling
Brad . . . . Billy
Janet . . . . Audrey
Criminologist . . . . Kyle
Riff-Raff . . . . Scott
Magenta . . . . Mary
Columbia . . . . Adam
Frank ‘n’ Furter . . . . Jessie
Rocky . . . . Randy
Eddie . . . . Gus
Dr. Scott . . . . Ron
Trannies . . . . Hiccup, Eddie, Colleen, Andy, Alyssa-bitch etc.