Rocky Horror in the Park!

Bicentennial Park Ad 10072017 - Rocky Horror in the Park!


“Group Sex, Water Sports, and A Picnic?!?” 

Well, the first two will be strongly discourage during the show, but we FINALLY get our picnic!

Do you live near Joliet,  but (sadly) can’t come see us as often as you’d like?!

Do you live near Woodridge but wish you could see Rocky Horror twice in one night?

Or maybe you’ve always wanted to see Rocky Horror outside while cuddling on a beach blanket? We can help! Come see us Saturday Oct 7th at Bicentennial Park in Joliet, then join us again in Woodridge that night for our traditional midnight show!

This will be the second consecutive year we’ve been asked to perform here, and we couldn’t be prouder!   Come out and show them that we’re the right cast for the job!!

You can find events scheduled on our public Facebook page, so you can share with your friends, and let us know that’ll you be hanging out with us!

You can also check out the Bicentennial Park webpage for more info!


We’ll see you there!


The fishnets are #FreeToFly, as we raise money to battle Domestic Violence!

Our #FreeToFly (Formerly Heroes For Hope) 5K Charity page is live, and you can find it here!

Each year, we raise money to help Family Shelter Services in their efforts to bring help to victims of Domestic Violence!  Please visit our page, and contribute anything you can to help those who truly need your support!  Our goal, as always, is a whopping $4,711.00, but we’ve exceeded that before – help us do it again!

Special Thanks to team members Audrey Fontaine, Ruth Fink-Winter, Jess Henry, and Brian Banks for bringing the first round of donations to the table, but you, too, can help!  If you’re a member of the cast, sign up to participate and help support this great cause!  If you’re an audience member, please feel free to donate, either at the above link, or at one of our shows (Pssst…we do them every Saturday night)!

Thanks to all of those who have already donated!

To motivate you, here’s a shot of our very own Jess Henry (aka “Pinky”), kicking ass for the cause last year!!!


Run, Pinky, Run!
Jess Henry (aka “Pinky”) running the “Heroes For Hope” 5K in 2016, to raise money to assist Family Shelter Services in their efforts against Domestic Violence!

In Just Seven Days (and six long nights), we can make you a…website!

Pardon Our Dust 300x169 - In Just Seven Days (and six long nights), we can make you!

We’re undergoing some reconstructive surgery, at the moment, but don’t fret – it’s all cosmetic.  We want to be the pretty boys, girls, and everything in-between that keeps you up at night!

Coming soon:

  • Updated cast and alumni rosters, recognizing every one of our super-sexy performing cast, our crew, and all the alumni who helped us get where we are today!
  • Updated links to our most active social media pages!
  • Weekly updates via blog and photos, all of which will tie back to our Facebook page, where you can see so much more (and “like” and “share”, too…)!
  • New photos, posts, theme night advisories, and everything you need to make *your* visit to The Rocky Horror Picture Show at Hollywood Blvd. Cinema, featuring Completely Crazy (the *only* weekly show in the Chicagoland Area) a night you’ll not only remember, but want to relive EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT!!!