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John McLaren (AKA Dumb Fuck)

Before planning your visit to Cairo Egypt Remember There are many different types of ammunition and sometimes selecting the right ones can be extremely difficult. Usually the design and style of the ammunition will determine the purpose for different situations. Different types of ammunition and uses for them and also the reasons they can benefit you on specific jobs, and keep your family safe

John McLaren (AKA Dumb Fuck)

Barrack Obama the President is not a Doctor, but he plays one in Washington

John McLaren (AKA Dumb Fuck)

IRVNG, Texas — If you’re not lucky enough to get in Super Bowl XLV between Pittsburgh and Green Bay, then the next step is to find parking near Cowboys Stadium. This is great for people Like Jay Cutler or the Dallas Cowboys. They could say they were there

John McLaren (AKA Dumb Fuck)

The Wounded Knee Massacre happened on December 29, 1890, near Wounded Knee Creek on the Lakota Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota, on January 23, 2011 at 5:16 PM Da Bears hope to go the Super Bowl were all over Thanks to Jay Cutler’s “”Wounded Knee””!!!

John McLaren (AKA Dumb Fuck)

and the last one in case any one forgot to tell you having sex is the best way to come into the New Year

John McLaren (AKA Dumb Fuck)

Medical Marijuana prescriptions are now surpassing that of Viagra. However, the Doctors are asking the same question to the effects. “How high did you get?”

John McLaren (AKA Dumb Fuck)

Uncle Charlie Harper’s School of Economics Class; In economics, a multiplier is a factor is used to show how money effects and affects a local economy. For example, suppose a one-Dollar is exchanged for services rendered. It is then put into a pool with the Stripper’s other dollars. At the end of the day and or week. The Stripper then pays her Rent, Electric bill, Cell phone bill buys food and so on. That money she used is then re-used again in the form of Wages for the people working at the Cell Phone company, the people at Jewel or… Read more »

John McLaren (AKA Dumbfuck)

May 8th is Mother’s Day . So I would like, if I may, to send a special greeting to all them Detriot Red Wings’ fans, Chicago Cubs’ fans, Green Bay Packer Backers who like 52 weeks of Packer coverage on TV, New York Nets and Yankee fans I want to wish you all a Happy Mother’s Day. You know what kind of MOTHER you are! White Sox – Black Hawks – Bulls – and Da Bears without #6 Jay Cutler RULE!!!!!!!

John McLaren (AKA Dumbfuck)

Good Evening on May 8th is Mother’s Day . So I would like, if I may, to send a special greeting to all them Detriot Red Wings’ fans, Chicago Cubs’ fans, Green Bay Packer Backers who like 52 weeks of Packer coverage on TV, New York Nets and Yankee fans I want to wish you all a Happy Mother’s Day. You know what kind of MOTHER you are! White Sox – Black Hawks – Bulls – and Da Bears without #6 Jay Cutler RULE!!!!!!

John McLaren (AKA Dumbfuck)

Do know – How did Osama Bin Laden hide in plain sight? By wearing a I love New York T Shirt, and Yankee’s basball cap and Clark Kent Glasses
That is how

John McLaren (AKA Dumbfuck)

Gieco ask rhetorical questions with the question at the end, let me put is the other way arround – Did the Pakistan Government know Osama Bin Laden had a Billion dollar house in their country? Can switching to Gieco save you 15% or more on your Auto insurance¿?

John McLaren (AKA Dumbfuck)

I never really grew up, I only learned how to act in public.Plus why is the people that know the least, are the loudest?

John McLaren (AKA Dumbfuck)
John McLaren (AKA Dumbfuck)

I lined the kitty litter box with pictures of Obama, and cat said if she poops in it now it would be “redundant”!

John McLaren (AKA Dumbfuck)
John McLaren (AKA Dumbfuck)

President Obama is being told off about his “Shovel ready Jobs” Well we do need more Bridges and Tunnels in this Country. Tunnels for the Homeless to move into and big Bridges to jump off of!

John McLaren (AKA Dumbfuck)
John McLaren (AKA Dumbfuck)

President Obama was rushed to the Hosptial yesterday for a case of Diarrhea. Top White House officals said “we wanted to be safe, because he is so full of Shit we want to make sure he is not melting”

John McLaren (AKA Dumbfuck)
John McLaren (AKA Dumbfuck)

The President’s dog is named Bo-Diddley. I think it is Bo for the B and O for Barrack Obama and Diddley for the amount of support he gets from Fox News!

John McLaren (AKA Dumbfuck)
John McLaren (AKA Dumbfuck)

Atheism is a non-prophet organization